Active delegate

🎉 80%

Voted in 4/5 of the most recent proposals

ENS Avatar
Voting power1.275K
Delegated addresses23
Proposals created0

Delegate Statement

Hi, I'm Brennan, and I lead customer experience at Agora—the team that builds this governance platform ( I previously led customer experience including sales, onboarding, customer success, and support at (team of 2,000+, $XX million+ ARR). I'm also an early-stage investor in technology companies. //

I'm here to ensure that CyberDAO's governance is successful. I've been advising the Cyber team on all things governance including things like its voting processes, Working Constitution, and governance docs.

Always open to chat governance! Also, if you find any bugs, issues, or have feature suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out. My DMs are open - email is [myfirstname], and tg is @(firstnamelastname)

Discourse username: brefoo.eth

Top Issues

On decentralization, I believe slow is smooth, and smooth is fast. Gradual, thoughtful, and intentional.
DAO working groups
DAO working groups
DAO working groups / special councils are like committees in the US Congress. They're important to get clearly scoped / focused work done.
Grants are an incredible tool to align incentives, but need to be deployed thoughtfully.